Sunday, March 26, 2006

My Toddler days

Music has always been an integral part of my life .... I am ever thankful to my parents for introducing me to the world of classical music very early in life. When my amma took keen interest in introducing me to the "Saptha Swaras" while my dad was busy teaching me "Baye Paatha" (systematic recital of months, years, days and stars as per Hindu Calendar) and "Mathematics". My parents tell me that I learnt to speak very early ... I started saying little words like "Amma", "Anna", "Ajja", "Ajji" etc much before I turned one year. (they claim 8 months) . So when I was about 18 months I merrily chanted Slokas and narrated small stories. (Bakasura story being my favourite). Those days we didn't have a tape recorder at home. As mentioned in my previous post, we stayed in a colony and neighbors were extended family. One of my neighbors uncle "TKN" recorded the talents of all kids! Needless to say, I narrated Bakasura story for the recording ! A few months back, I was chatting with "R" (daughter of uncle "TKN") and she mentioned that uncle has still saved the precious tape !! I would love to hear that tape when I get a chance !
My first stage encounter when I was 2+ years. (it lasted all through my student days) My parents had enrolled me for a singing competition. I was too young for any age group and so I was enrolled in the 4-6years group. My parents proudly recollect that never was I nervous and sang to my best ability. I didn't win any prize, but the judges were so impressed with me that I was awarded a "Special" mention !
I was enrolled in the near by pre-school "Holy Cross" when I was 3+ years ... while most other toddlers of my age were crying hard, I was too happy to be at the pre-school, my parents tell me.
Throughout my schooling, I never once felt like missing my classes ! I thoroughly enjoyed going to school ! I made a lot of friends and had a lot of fun ! But my parents and grandparents are never tired of recollecting my toddler days !! (so am I !)

1 comment:

Shyam said...

ha ha ...
hope Pri too is like that