Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Whats there in the number !!

I always talk to my parents over weekend. If I don't talk to them first thing saturday mornings, something keeps haunting me the entire day and I lose my peace of mind. Its become such a strong practice that, I don't even bother to prepare the tea on saturday mornings... so my spouse prepares strong masala chai, while I am busy purchasing the calling card to India.
This week was an exception in that, I could not talk to daddy saturday morning as he was not available then. So I had to call up in the evening. During our discussion he mentioned about the parties he attended in honour of his retirement, the various gifts he received, tons of fruits and fresh garlands he had got. While we were busy chatting on various subjects, he mentioned that the new phone was grey in color and the instrument had a caller id feature as well. He said he had made a request to the telephone dept to retain the old number. We had bought new washer / dryer and I "had to" share the details of the same with my parents. So we switched topics and discussed various things before saying good bye.
Come monday evening and I couldn't wait to talk to daddy about his new role experience. I tried calling home, but no one was picking the phone. That was unusual ... daddy would go to work at 6:30am and it was just 6:15am ... my daddy has been so punctual in leaving to work that we almost can set our watch time to 6:30am when he steps out for work. And amma doesn't usually go out so early .... since there was no response, perhaps both amma and daddy went for a morning walk they had always planned I concluded. I called up later after 3 hours and this time the phone was engaged. I waited for half an hour longer and called up again .... the phone kept ringing but there was no response ... now my heart began to beat faster. My parents always tell me if they planned to go out of station ... so they are in probability in station ... but then my grandpa was supposed to undergo a cataract operation in B'lore ... did they make a last minute decision to visit grandpa ?? But then daddy had mentioned that he could not afford leave when I told him that he deserved a vacation before starting his new assignment. A million thoughts ran through my mind in nano seconds ... I was confused / concerned at the same time. I could not sleep well that night.
The next day morning, I rushed to my mails and behold ... a mail from amma waited me ! The subject read phone number change ! That was enough to calm me and put me to ease. What a relief that was ... I called up daddy / amma and had a quick chat with them before heading to work.
I came back home and shared my experience with my sister ... only to learn that she had gone through the same the previous night !


Unknown said...

Your sister went through the same experience??? Her's is a longer story :-) All she didn't do is to call 911!

PRIDERA said...

She'd probably have called 911, if they could find out details from Mysore :)

Shyam said...

How did the number change overnight??? Atleast your dad and mom should have known the new number before it was assigned.

PRIDERA said...

I am not sure they knew it ... they got a different connection altogther and discontinued their old service