Friday, June 08, 2007

New project - 1st week

The new project is very interesting ... its a re-engineering project. I get to learn a new Business and a new technology. Well the business and technology are old by themselves... new to me.
In that sense its an exciting project. But couple of cribs:
12hrs of my day is gone in meetings ... yes, got that right. My ear hurts and my head stops functioning after a while. And my worst problem, my home phone battery does not last as long and I am forced to use personal cell minutes ... boo boo ....
The people on-board the project have been working in the team for the past 6-8 months ... but not much progress has been made. Most of the knowledge these folks have obtained is not documented. There is no time for Knowledge transfer session given the strict timelines drawn.
OK ... let me stop here ... there are many more positives and negatives about the project though. Its just been one week and I can already come up with a list ... amazing uh ? Thanks to my parents, a lot of things gets done at home. The only thing I do in my free time is run around my little daughter and have fun with her.
How would I manage if my parents were not here with me at this time ?? I cannot begin to imagine the situation ....

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