Monday, December 05, 2016

Party Hosted ....

I am part of a group of friends who meet every month in the name of "Chiti". As part of "Chiti meet" each of us contributes $25 every month to a "Prized Pot" and we pick the winner of the pot via lottery. Previous winners are eliminated from the lottery pick. We are a group of 15 and so every one eventually wins the pot. The idea behind this is to meet friends regularly and have fun. 
 So I won the coveted pot last round which meant, I was going to host the party in our house to pick the next winner. Traditionally we meet, greet and eat ... once that is taken care, we gossip and play games. 
 The most difficult part of hosting a party for me is the menu decision. I have to consider the day of the party (to evaluate if I will have time to make trip to grocery), scale of the party (cannot plan on items not scalable), time of the party (mostly avoid frying if lunch party) and the crowd type (helps determine cuisine). 

 After much deliberation the following menu was narrowed down. 
Tomato soup with bread crotons, Bell pepper and Menthya Bhath, Bell pepper tambuLi, chapati, avial, mosaranna, Baasundi, Ripe mango with salt+khara. 
What gave me immense satisfaction is that all guests thoroughly enjoyed the food. The effort was completely justified... the leftover food ensured no dinner cooking, could it get any more better 😊

More about the games in my next post ...

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