Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Namma Maneyalondu Gubbi

Have you ever heard this kids peom / song?

Such a powerful impact it had on me today.

Its a very simple song where a child narrates a story about a gubbi (sparrow). The gubbi lays eggs which hatch in time ... gubbi feeds the little ones and nourishes and takes care of them ... when one day the little ones grow old enough to fly away from the nest.

Isn't this the story of most of us? Our parents take care of us, raise us ... and then one day we just move to set up our own identity / family etc. Upon hearing this song, my 4 year old daughter felt sorry for the parent gubbi. But was quick to point out, "Amma, the kid gubbi will come and visit the parent gubbi ... right? The kids have not forgotten their parent. When I grow up, I will move out too. But I will be visiting you." she said. What a profound thought!
Easier for her to say this at this time ... but so hard for me to digest it. I am not ready for that as yet ... hopefully I will be ready when time comes.

Oh another interesting thing she pointed out, "Amma I will be in Chikki's house when I am grown up and working and will visit you every weekend". Now why Chikki's house I asked. "Remember you stayed in your mother's brother's house while you worked and visited your parents over the weekend".
I could now see the connection ... Indeed I stayed with my Mama and aunty during my initial days of career in a different town than mine. I visited my parents over the weekend. So my little one decided it was customary to stay in parent's sibling's house while working ... never mind, the sibling stayed 10mins drive from eachother.

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