Friday, October 31, 2008


When I was a kid, my parents bought us new clothes for very special occasions:
* Festivals : usually Ugadi, Ganesha Gowri habba, Deepavali ... sometimes for Sankrathi
* Birthday : No questions asked ... all my birthdays they bought me new clothes
* Important Family event: Like wedding of a very close relative

Rarely there were other occasions like when we going on a holiday or after securing good percentage in exams I would get new clothes.

And boy, there was superlative excitement each time I got new clothes. I don't remember ever going shopping for my clothes though. Somehow anything my parents bought was accepted by me. My sister got clothes for the same occasions as well, but she preferred selecting her clothes.

Today, I longer wait to buy clothes for occasions... may be I buy them before a vacation, but thats about it. There is no more charm ... in fact there is no more charm is getting gifts any more. Heck ... no one gifts me ... If I need something, I have to buy it myself :)

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